Paul and Roo saved from the dairy industry, meet Kevyn the pig and other news!

It’s been a busy two weeks since our last update - how time flies! - so we’re pleased to introduce you to some new residents plus news of more rescues and updates to our buildings, made possible by your support and generosity.

We are SO happy to introduce you to Paul and Roo!

Paul and Roo are one-week-old male calves born into the dairy industry. Their lives were deemed worthless and so they were going to be shot, simply because they were not deemed profitable enough to be kept alive.

Thankfully, we were able to save these two wonderful boys and now they are here with us to live out their whole full lives!

This rescue was made possible thanks to an incredible amount of teamwork headed by Brinsley Animal Rescue and several other sanctuaries who all together were able to save another FIFTEEN calves as well.

That means there are 17 calves who were all going to be shot but are now going to live out their lives at wonderful sanctuaries around the UK where they will never have to worry about being exploited or killed, and will instead have safe and happy lives, just as they deserve.

We are also so happy to announce that a further three calves are being rescued next week, meaning that 20 male calves will have been saved.

Paul and Roo are currently in their stall in our stables, as we were advised by the vets to give them time to adjust before they meet the other residents. Once they’re ready, we can’t wait to introduce them to Moksha and Ella, two former dairy mothers who before they were rescued had their babies stolen from them continuously for their entire lives.

Moksha and Ella seem to know they are here and have been very interested in everything that has been happening today.

To follow the other calves and support the sanctuaries providing them care and loving homes, please head over to the following accounts:

We’d also like to also say a massive thank you to Bernadette who has spent the last couple of months securing homes for all these calves!

Moksha and Ella settling in well

Speaking of Moksha and Ella, who we introduced to you last time, they’ve made themselves right at home and are settling in wonderfully! They seem to be enjoying their new healthy diet and they have become less timid and more trusting of us, which is amazing considering that they came from the dairy industry where they were deemed ‘spent’ and no longer of use.

They are such gentle souls, we are so in love with them and look forward to the day that volunteers can come and visit them and everyone else here.

Meet Kevyn the pig

Kevyn the pig has come to live out the rest of his life here at the sanctuary. He came to us via the amazing PITW Rehoming Service - part of Pigs in the Woods - who facilitate the rehoming of pigs that need a forever home.

We couldn’t be more pleased as we have been looking for a new companion friend for Pete after he lost his brother Gus. Kevyn has been rehomed as his family's circumstances changed and he was no longer able to mix with other animals and became quite lonely and depressed.

Kevyn was understandably very unsettled and scared when he arrived and was hesitant to meet the gang, but we’re pleased to say that he has now made his own way to the stables with the others, setting up in the stalls across from Nigel and Pete.

Not a huge fan of vegetables, Kevyn prefers fruit which we’re hand-feeding him to get on his good side!

Ex-battery hens still in need of rehoming

Our flock of ex-battery hens got to go outside for the first time and feel grass today, in their new safe chicken aviary, but we are still looking to rehome some hens to their forever home. 

If you can offer a home or know someone who can, please share.

The hen adoption form is on our website.


Rescued broiler chickens have just arrived!

Literally, just before writing this, a small group of rescued broiler chickens has arrived.

We estimate them to be around four weeks old, but they’re in very bad condition so it’s straight to the vet for them to be checked over for issues relating to their breathing and other problems common in broilers.

They’ll also be on a strict diet of greens, which we hope will get them on their feet and up and around.

Broilers experience awful conditions from the day they’re born and are prone to many health problems due to being selectively bred to grow to such a weight in such a short time.

So we’ll be giving them lots of specialised care and attention.

Update on the new mixed-use volunteer building, cabin and big barn

Our new mixed-use building has arrived and will be going up this weekend, which will serve as an animal prep room and has a kitchen for volunteers too.

Anyone who watched our launch video will have seen Ed talk about a rather dilapidated looking chalet. Great news, we have a chap coming in to convert it into a cabin for volunteers.

The planning application for our new big barn is now at the drawing stage, and we’re just waiting on technical drawings for that.

New resident sheep inbound

We have four new sheep residents arriving soon but will give you a proper update on them when they do arrive. Please follow us on Instagram to stay up-to-date on all newcomers, as well as the daily lives of all the residents here.

Thank you so much for your donations!

Yesterday a lot of donations came in following an update on our Instagram story. We can’t thank you enough for your generosity, it really does mean a lot to us all and helps support our residents and all the improvements we’re making to the sanctuary so we can help even more animals.


A rough week for poorly Paul, but doing well now


Welcoming lots of new residents!